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May the next six months be greater than the first six months; you will see more miracles than what you have seen before; your glory will not be turned to shame; your paths will shine brighter and brighter in the name of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit helps you to be able to fulfill the terms of the covenant; it helps you to be able to play your part in the covenant with God. In any covenant, there are minimum of two parties; the covenantor and the covenantee. Husband and wife in marriage, buyer and sellers in business etc. Everyone has his or her obligations towards the fulfillment of the covenant. Holy Spirit helps you to fulfill your parts of the covenant. God is always available to play His own parts of the covenant, if we are ready to play our own roles Psalms 23:1. Because of the uncertainty to fulfill our own side of the covenant, Holy Spirit helps us to do so.
If you walk in the God’s covenant, there can never be a disappointment or failure in life. What God has said will come to accurate fulfillment. Every promise of God to you shall be fulfilled in the name of Jesus. God wants to us to be perfect in walking with Him Genesis 17:1-2. The woman of Zarephath was never disappointed in her encounter with Prophet Elijah 1Kings 17:10-15. Peter toiled all night, he caught nothing. But his encounter with Jesus Christ brought a turnaround Luke 5:5-6. Mary, mother of Jesus had encounter with Angel, there was performance of the word spoken concerning her Luke 1:45. Your present conclusion is not the conclusion; God’s word is the conclusion of the matter. God’s word shall come to pass in your life in the name of Jesus.
Observe the terms of walking with God. Give and it shall be given unto you. If you give, you will receive in return Philippians 4:15-19. When you are walking with God in a covenant, He is under obligations to do for you what the covenant demands. The covenant makes you special in the sight of God, it makes you to be preferred among others. God is faithful to His subject to fulfill His part of the covenant 1 Corinthians 1:9; 10:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:24; Psalms 89:34.
- The country.
- The culture.
- The circumstances.
- It does not know commotion.
- The covenant demands obedience.
Special Miracle Service. Ministering: Bishop Mike Bamidele. Title: “ACTIVATING GOD-S COVENANT BY THE ANOINTING”
Posted by Victory Life Tv on Tuesday, 2 July 2019