God blesses what you do. Psalms 1:1-3,”1Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” To be blessed means to be empowered to succeed. When you are blessed, it means that heaven’s resources are readily available for you to succeed in your lifetime. The opposite for the word “bless” is “curse.” When you are cursed, it means you are empowered to fail. It means that God is against you. May that not be our portion in the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible wants us to know that we are blessed people.
However, for us to continue in the God’s blessings there are some actions that are paramount that the Psalmist shared with us in Psalm 1. For you to continue in the blessing with which God has blessed you with; it is important that you do not take advice from ungodly people or you do not take ungodly advice. How do I know that advices are godly or ungodly advices?
- If it is of God, it will line up with the word, make no difference where it is coming from, make no difference who it is coming from, makes no difference how it is coming from. I have a responsibility to ensure that every advice I get is weighed within the thermostat of God’s word to ensure that it matches up with what God has said. It is only that way that I can continue in the blessing of God. God’s heartbeat is focus in empowering us to take charge. God’s goal is His kingdom; that we expand and extend the kingdom. God does not want us to stand in the way of sinners, coming into the kingdom, either by our assertions or our actions. I must not stand in the way of sinners. If you stand in the way of sinners, it means you will be cursed. May that not be our portion in the name of Jesus Christ.
- He does not want to sit in the seat of the scornful. Tragically there is so much scorn in our world today. People are in scorn about faith fathers who left everything they had, they left the comfort of life and comfort of home and comfort of profession for this glorious gospel that ensure that people like me who were in the mess and so wretched heard and responded to the gospel before God saved our lives and set us on the glorious part of destiny. People go through those kinds of transformations and just because they think they have read a little Bible, they feel like they now have the right to scorn fathers. The Bible says their portion is cursed. Stay away from them, when they are on Facebook or Instagram or TikTok or anyone social media, stay away from people whose ministry is the ministry of scorn. The Bible warns us that those who sit in the seat of the scornful are cursed.
- God’s Word must be your delight. No two ways about it. His words must be your delight, and also meditate on it day and night. It means constantly, and consistently. It means in anything I want to do and in anything I want to accomplish, any decision I want to take, any choice I want to make, I must do it through the revelations of God’s word. Meditating in God’s Word is where the salient power of a believer lies. The word meditation means to ponder and to act; it means to think and to talk; it means to see and to say, it means to visualize and verbalize. The Bible is saying that in every circumstance or situation in life, my thoughts on it must be framed by the word of God and my talk on it must be framed by the word of God. And I must do that constantly. So I do not say what I see, I say what I desire to see. So I do not talk negativity, I do not talk fake reality, I talk the stability of God’s word on my situation and I do that constantly, consistently, and that is what it means to meditate on God’s word. It is interesting that Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” So God is letting the believers know that our prosperity and success in life is not at the mercy of my nationality, it is not at the mercy of our call or our background, it is not even at the mercy of our denomination or our church or our bishop as wonderful as those on, for our prosperity and success in life. The mercy of us is constantly and consistently meditating on God’s word. Seeing God’s word in every situation. Allowing my thoughts to be framed by God’s word and allowing my words to be framed by God’s word on every situation concerning my life, concerning my home, concerning my family, concerning my business, concerning my destiny, concerning my ministry. That is when I will make my way prosperous and have success. It has nothing to do with the politicians in Abuja. It has nothing to do with the party that is in control of NAS. It has everything to do with me deciding to meditate on God’s word. Think about God’s word and to declare God’s word in every situation, every circumstance that concerns me. That is what will birth according to Scriptures, prosperity and success.
- For us to succeed and take charge and take control, we have to be planted. Hear me and hear me good. People who move from place to place, from man to man, from woman to woman, from job to job, from church to church, from business to business, they never do well in life. If it is on the instruction of the Holy Spirit, it is a different thing. And if it is on the instruction of the Holy Spirit, it will be very clear. Sadly, many believers today use the Holy Spirit as an excuse for their fleshly decisions. If it is God, it will be clear. God is not a stupid God. The most successful businesses in our world have been led by man for many decades. The most successful ministries have been presided over by the same man for many decades. The most successful churches have been presided over by the same man for many decades. The most successful homes, the most successful marriages, they have been led by the same people for many decades because it is the planting that brought the success.
- He said He brings forth his fruit in his season. You have a season to prosper. Wait on it; hold for it; watch out for it; expect it. When you understand that, you learn how to rejoice when others are in their season instead of being envious of them. Because when we rejoice with them that rejoice when they are in their season, when we enter our season, they will come and rejoice with us too. God is showing you their own testimonies to challenge you, to motivate you and to inspire you on your ways. Do not allow impatience rob you of God’s best. You will bring forth your fruit in your season. Your season is coming. And when your season comes, your fruits will blossom forth in the name of Jesus Christ. What you need to do now is meditate on God’s word and grow.
Your leaf shall not wither in the name of Jesus Christ. There is a huge difference to being blessed by God or being blessed by man or being blessed by yourself or being blessed by the world. When you bless yourself, when you raise yourself, when you call yourself, then you have to keep yourself. When the world blesses you or raises you, or calls you, then the world has to keep you. But when it is God who blessed, Who raised you, Who established you, then God will keep you. Whoever God calls God keeps, whatever God calls God keeps. If God is the one that raises you, God will keep you. That is why it is so wise for you to wait on the Lord because when it is God, no man on earth, no devil in hell will be able to bring you down. The Bible says they that wait upon the Lord, they shall renew the strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles. Why eagles? Why not chickens, why not turtledoves, why not even ostriches? Because the eagle is a special kind of bird that anytime there is adverse wind, the eagle is able to use the wind to propel itself up. And what was meant to bring it down, will only take it up, you will mount up with wings as eagles. It is not that you will not go through challenges again, or that troubles or problems again, But what it means is that God will use them to elevate you, you will mount up with wings as eagles, are your leaf shall not wither.
You need to meditate. You need to think right. Those who think right speak right; those who speak right live right; those who live right die right. Those who think wrong speak wrong; those who speak wrong live wrong, those who live wrong die wrong. May that not be your portion of Jesus’ name.
It is time to take charge, it is time to occupy, it is time to rule, it is time to do whatever God has called us to do. God will bless you in Jesus’ name. Amen.