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When you are facing many challenges in life, you must begin to rejoice, because out of your challenges shall manifest your liberation. David came out of obscurity to become celebrity overnight.
Words of Prophecy:
Before the month of August ends, a new room would have been made for you. You will enlarge: measurable enlargement, visible enlargement, beauty enlargement will be given to you in the name of Jesus Christ. God will add a new colour to your life in the name of Jesus Christ. That new colour will make your life colourful. What you desired shall be released to you, what God desires for you shall be released unto you in the name of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 54:11-12, “11“O afflicted one, driven away, and unconsoled! Look, I am about to set your stones in antimony and I lay your foundation with lapis-lazuli. 12I will make your pinnacles out of gems, your gates out of beryl, and your outer wall out of beautiful stones.” Isaiah 54:13 God will add a new colour into your life, that will end the tempest, affliction and all crises you are going through in the name of Jesus Christ. When God colours your life, it will affect your generation positively. Those who are coming behind you will leverage on a new foundation through you. Job 36:16, “And surely, he drew you from the mouth of distress, to a wide place, unrestricted, and to the comfort of your table filled with rich food.”
God will remove you from a tight place to a broad place in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalms 23:5-6,“5You prepare a feast before me in plain sight of my enemies. You refresh my head with oil; my cup is completely full. 6Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days, and I will live in the LORD’s house for the rest of my life.” Only good shall follow you all the days of your life in the name of Jesus Christ. When you are facing many challenges in life, you must begin to rejoice, because out of your challenges shall manifest your liberation. David came out of obscurity to become celebrity overnight. Psalm 66:12, “Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.”