In 2024, you will reign in life Romans 5:17, “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)” Revelation 5:10, “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” You will reign. Nothing will dominate you. You will be one that will be dominating the situations in the name of Jesus Christ. In 2024, no harm, no hurt, no injury against you and your household in the name of Jesus Christ. A word is coming to you for divine direction; receive it now in the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalms 105:13-15, “13When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people; 14He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes; 15Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” Spells and enchantments against you will fail in the name of Jesus Christ. The right hand of the Lord will deliver you from all evil. This year, you will not lose any battle. Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Psalms 91:1-16, “1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. 3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. 14Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. 15He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. 16With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.” Psalms 23:1, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalms 118:17, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.” 1 Peter 3:13, “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Acts 18:9-10, “9Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: 10For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.”
God is giving us assurance of divine protection in this year and beyond. God will not allow any harm to come near you. Lamentation 3:22-23, “22It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
As a king you must speak out. Kings often speak. Job 5:12, “He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.”
Mark 16:17-18, “17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
Be careful of what you say because of the spirits that operate in the spiritual realm. Ecclesiastes 5:6, “Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands?”
Psalms 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Psalms 27:1-5, “1A Psalm of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 4One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. 5For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.” Colossians 3:3, “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
Numbers 14:28, “Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you:”
- In 2024, no harm, no hurt, no injury. I will enjoy divine protect throughout the year 2024 and beyond in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I decree no evil arrow, no lack, no poverty, do disease, no sorrow, no failure, no loss, no pain, no death around me and my household in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I decree peace, joy, increase, advancement, promotion, good health, sound mind, and all round beauty in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every evil programmed into the year 2024 and beyond, scatter now in the name of Jesus Christ.