
Act 2:1-2, “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting” Every Herod of your destiny shall be eaten up suddenly by worms in the name of Jesus Act 12:22-23. God is the God of suddenly both for the good and the bad. Abraham’s servant prayed a prayer that required sudden answer, when he was looking for a wife for his master’s son (Isaac). Something good will happen suddenly, it will be original and it will be from above in the name of Jesus. God will visit you as He visited Sarah in the name of Jesus.

However, what wisdom will make you have such sudden turnaround?  What wisdom do I need to use to get sudden turnaround in my career, well-being, business, family and to enjoy all the good things of life? Because we have a covenant walk with God; whether Old Testament or New Testament. Every walk with God is a covenant walk. In every true covenant, each covenantee has a role to play. It is wisdom to know that things do not just happen suddenly especially from above. You have a role to play and God has His own role to play! Every faith walk is a responsibility walk. Every faith walk in God has your own part and God’s part. If you do your path, God will do His own part too.

Another step is the wisdom to ask. The servant of Abraham asked; he knew had no time left Genesis 12:13-15, James 1:5. Solomon got his wisdom by asking God for it. If Solomon had kept quiet, he would not get anything from God. He asked for wisdom and God gave him wisdom along with other things.

Sacrifice is also wisdom for sudden turnaround in life I King3:3. He sacrificed His only begotten Son for the sins of mankind. Hanna sacrificed what she was expecting before sudden turnaround in her life.

Obedience is wisdom for sudden turnaround in life.

Faith is also wisdom for sudden turnaround. Keep believing, do not doubt because it will prolong your journey in life. Unbelief, fear, doubt, and anxiety are enemies of God’s intervention.


  1. Father I believe, that wisdom, joy, peace, comfort are mine in Christ Jesus.
  2. Father I believe for sudden turnaround in my finances, career, business, family and all my pursuits in life in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father I receive wisdom for sudden turnaround in Jesus’ name.
  4. Father I receive sudden restoration of all I have lost in the past in Jesus’ name.

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28/05/2018 Special Miracle Service. Ministering; Bishop Mike Bamidele. Title: WISDOM FOR SUDDEN TURNAROUND IN YOUR LIFE

What wisdom do I need to use to get sudden turnaround in my career, well-being, healthy life and to enjoy all the good things of life.

Posted by Victory Life Tv on Tuesday, 12 June 2018


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